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OOPに関するtakanori_isのブックマーク (1)

  • Perfecting OO's Small Classes and Short Methods

    In The ThoughtWorks Anthology a new book from the Pragmatic Programmers, there is a fascinating essay called “Object Calisthenics” by Jeff Bay. It’s a detailed exercise for perfecting the writing of the small routines that demonstrate characterize good OO implementations. If you have developers who need to improve their ability to write OO routines, I suggest you have a look-see at this essay. I w

    takanori_is 2008/04/24
    興味はあるけど、このルールに従った 1,000 行のプログラムは(通常のスタイルで書かれた)100 行並の機能しかない割に 10,000 行並の難解さをもっていそうだ
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