Sprite Lamp - Dynamic lighting for 2D art
TIP Prior to v0.7.0-alpha.1 Two.js requires Underscore.js and Backbone.js Events. If you're already loading these files elsewhere then you can build the project yourself and get the file size even smaller. For more information on custom builds check out the source on github. # Overview Overview # Focus on Vector Shapes Two.js is deeply inspired by flat motion graphics (opens new window). As a resu
PNG supports various combinations of color depth, transparency and color correction. Some combinations work perfectly with every piece of software produced in the last decade, and some more esoteric features are practically useless. Palette with 1-bit transparency (like GIF) IE6 IE7-8 Your browser GIF-like PNG images with simple transparency are supported in all browsers (even as old as IE4) witho
Here’s something useful for the web developers out there. It’s a script I’ve been using for a while that makes it super-easy to losslessly compress entire folders of PNG and JPEG files for the web. If you’re familiar with PNG optimization, then you know about programs like advpng, optipng and pngout that optimize and recompress PNG files, making them much smaller than the likes of Photoshop can. M
暑苦しい土曜の夜、Twitterを眺めていたら「画像を最適化したいけど、うん千枚あって…」みたいなやりとりが目に止まりました。画像の最適化で楽をしたい場合は、「Smush.it™」とか「punypng」といったオンラインのサービスを使わせていただくのが手っ取り早い方法ですが、何千枚ともなると現実的ではないですね(笑)。 そこでちょっと調べてみたらありました。コマンドラインですが、特定フォルダ内の画像(JPGかPNG)を一発で最適化してしまう「imgopt」なる素敵ツールがあるじゃないですか。ということで、簡単ですがインストールして使うまでをまとめておきます。 (追記: 2011.07.03)なんか大阪にいる心優しい人が教えてくれましたよ、OS XのGUI版「imageoptim」。以下の準備が面倒な人はこれですな。Windowsな人はこの辺になんかあるかも。 ※ただし、OS Xのやり方なの
解像度が2倍になるという新iPhone。はたしてどれくらいキレイなのか!? というわけでTiltShift GeneratorのUIを新しいRetina Display対応で0から作り直した。 左がRetina用に新しく作り直した版、右は従来版。 新旧のiPhoneではこれぐらい表現力が違いそう。新しい版はもうちょっと微調整しないといけません。Retina対応しないと、ライバルと比較したときにだいぶションボリしたことになる実感。 改装コストは? 新iPhoneでは、古いアプリは勝手に2倍表示される為、基本的にプログラムパートの改修コストはほぼ0と思ってよい模様。 問題はグラフィックのコスト。 既存のコンポーネントはともかく、ちょっとグラフィックを凝ったアプリを作ろうとすると、デザインの結構なパートはビットマップ画像に依存することになる。 これの改修コストがハンパない。 原画がビットマップの
The most popular coding language for the web is javascript; so much so that since the advent of HTML5, it has now been officially accepted as the default standard. Javascript has moved beyond a smaller client-side browser-based language to become integrated not just for front-end design, but also for back-end server-side development. As a result there are has been a huge growth of Javascript libra
ImageOptim makes images load faster Removes bloated metadata. Saves disk space & bandwidth by compressing images without losing quality. Faster web pages and apps Reduces image file sizes — so they take up less disk space and download faster — by applying advanced compression that preserves quality. Image files scrubbed clean Removes invisible junk: private EXIF metadata from digital cameras, em
What's New in Pixelmator Pro 3.5 Pixelmator Pro 3.5 Flare brings full HDR support that lets you import, edit, and export HDR content, including HDR photos and videos taken with iPhone. You can now seamlessly create designs featuring both SDR and HDR layers, all while maintaining your existing workflows. Learn more Full HDR Support Unlock new creative workflows with full support for opening, editin
The Chalkwork Family A high-quality collection of over 2,500 icons in multiple sizes. Chalkwork is a visually unified set of carefully designed icons. Built to cover some of the most common icon needs of web and software designers, the entire Chalkwork family offers hundreds of computer and internet-related metaphors in a visually consistent style at 3 different sizes in up to 6 file formats, as w
* Flash required. Supported Types: JPG, GIF and PNG (Max 500KB each) What is punypng? punypng is a free optimization service that can dramatically reduce the file size of an image by converting it into a highly-compressed, lossless PNG image. That translates to outrageously efficient web page loading, and just makes the web more puny. Making the web more puny isn't cheap, so help support our cause
This post describes some techniques that may help you optimize your PNG-images. These techniques are derived from laborious hours spent on studying how exactly the PNG encoder saves data. We’ll start with some essentials about the PNG format and will then move to advanced optimization techniques. As a web designer you might be already familiar with the PNG image format which offers a full-featured
Preview Hlvticons Basic 245 icons Preview $279 Purchase Extras 232 icons Preview $259 Purchase Additional 123 icons Preview $159 Purchase Complete 600+ icons All icon packs $499 Purchase Read license agreement. 7 file formats Seven file formats of which six are in scalable vector format. The set contains a lot of different file format, such as .gs for Omnigraffle icons, and .chs for Photoshop shap
Performance just got a little bit easier. Optimizing images by hand is time consuming and painful. Smush it does it for you. Image optimization is an art that not many people master. There are many good image editing tools that allow us to get the best visual result for a certain file size but "under the hood" a lot more optimization can be done. Smushit.com is a service that goes beyond the limit
In der Welt des Schreibens gibt es zwei wichtige Dienstleistungen, die oft verwechselt werden: Korrektorat...