Since the earliest days of the teletype machine, code has been set in monospaced type — letters, on a grid. Monaspace is a new type system that advances the state of the art for the display of code on screen. Every advancement in the technology of computing has been accompanied by advancements to the display and editing of code. CRTs made screen editors possible. The advent of graphical user inter
Berkeley Mono is a love letter to the golden era of computing. The era that gave rise to a generation of people who celebrated automation and reveled in the joy of computing, when transistors replaced cogs, and machine-readable typefaces were developed, for when humans and machines truly interfaced on an unprecedented scale. Berkeley Mono wears a UNIX T-shirt and aspires to be etched on control pa
Try out the best and newest monospace fonts for code
生成元にはプログラミング向け英文フォント Hack と、Adobe 製作の源ノ角ゴシックに丸みを付けた派生フォント 源柔ゴシック を使用させていただきました。 白源の生成元である Hack、及び源柔ゴシックには、いずれも SIL Open Font License Version 1.1 という大らかなライセンスが適用されているため、改変及び配布が自由となっています。したがって、白源の生成済みフォントファイル (ttf ファイル) は GitHub からダウンロードして、すぐにご利用いただけます。 「白源 (はくげん/HackGen)」の特徴 プログラミングフォント「白源 (はくげん/HackGen)」には以下のような特徴があります。 文字幅 半角1:全角2 の正統派な等幅フォント (文字幅 半角3:全角5 バージョンも同梱) Hack 由来の読みやすく、しっとりとした印象の英字 源柔ゴシ
A typeface designed for coding aesthetes with modern displays in mind. Delightful ligatures and an italic variant and bold style. The included character set includes latin uppercase and lowercase letters, all modifiers, and diacritics covering most European languages. Additionally it covers an exhaustive list of math symbols, the basic Greek glyphs, some terminal glyphs (e.g. unicode block symbols
# coding=utf-8 from vanilla import * from import BaseWindowController from import addObserver, removeObserver import math class ShowMouseCoordinatesTextBox(TextBox): def __init__( *args, **kwargs): super(ShowMouseCoordinatesTextBox, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) addObserver("mouseMoved", "mouseMoved") addObserver("mouseDragged", "mouseDragged") addObse
Widely supported UFO format source code. Hack away with any modern font editing tool & customize it to your needs. A Family of Four Faces Hack includes monospaced regular, bold, italic, and bold italic sets to cover all of your syntax highlighting needs. Multilingual Over 1500 glyphs that include lovingly tuned extended Latin, modern Greek, and Cyrillic character sets.