Which one is better for manipulating text, Photoshop or Illustrator? There is no clear and defined answer. What is clear is that Illustrator, being mainly used used for creating seamless vector images, allows the user a greater degree of accuracy, control, and precision. Of course this depends on the hand controlling the mouse. So, if you are looking to simply manipulate text, then Photoshop would
Home > グラフィック講座 > IllustratorとPhotoshopでハーフトーンの背景を作る方法 IllustratorとPhotoshopでハーフトーンの背景を作る方法 投稿日:2008年8月19日 レベル:初心者 ソフトウェア: このチュートリアルでは、フォトショップとイラストレーターでハーフトーンの背景を作ってみたいと思います。 Step1 : はじめに Step2 : Illustratorで円の格子をつくる Step3 : Photoshopでハーフトーンの背景をつくる Step4 : 完成
This post was originally published in 2008 The tips and techniques explained may be outdated. Starting with the design application of Adobe Illustrator create a group of vector based geometric lines at dynamic 45 degree angles, then follow the walkthrough to rough them up with brush textures in Adobe Photoshop resulting in a cool and trendy design style. The use of angled lines adds a dynamic flai
Everybody loves typography in design. Playing around with characters in an awesome way really gets the attention of the viewer, especially when the typography is in motion. This article is showcasing the most beautiful 3d typography for your design inspiration, including 5 tutorials on how to create your very own. 3d programs like Xara 3d or 3d Studio Max will make the 3d rendering easier, but Ill