Time tracking software to drive every decisionGive your team a time tracker they’ll love, make confident data-backed decisions and focus on the work that matters most.
1995年に公開された映画「GHOST IN THE SHELL/攻殻機動隊」のファンムービー「Project 2501 - Homage to ghost in the shell」が公開されています。企画したのは写真家のAsh ThorpさんとTim Tadderさんで、3DCGアーティストとしてGavriil Klimovさん、Furio Tedeschiさん、Vaughan Lingさん、James Fordさんが参加。合計20人を超えるアーティストにより、原作への敬意を込めて「攻殻機動隊の映像を現代の最新技術で作るとどうなるのか」を追求しています。 Project 2501 – Homage to ghost in the shell http://www.gits2501.com/ サイトでは場面写真やポスターが公開されていますが、それがどのように作られたのかはムービーを見ると
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Bus Pirate 5 is the latest version of the multi-tool hackers trust since 2018. RP2040-based, color LCD, 1-5volt power supply and IO buffers, and more! Firmware, hardware and a fresh new forum are hosted at BusPirate.com, which I rescued from spammers a few years ago. The software on this server (Dangerous Prototypes) is seriously outdated and there’s a load bearing laptop somewhere in the config,
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This document summarizes the setup of a 3D game environment in Unity including: 1) Creating a player object that can move left and right using rigidbody physics and jumping with a script; 2) Adding a goal object that ends the game when collided with and displays a "Game Clear" text; 3) Using MonoDevelop as the IDE for editing Unity C# scripts.Read less
Mono is a software platform designed to allow developers to easily create cross platform applications. The Mono Project (mono/mono) (‘original mono’) has been an important part of the .NET ecosystem since it was launched in 2001. Microsoft became the steward of the Mono Project when it acquired Xamarin in 2016. The last major release of the Mono Project was in July 2019, with minor patch releases
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Welcome to dotProject.net The home of dotProject - the Open Source Project Management tool. dotProject is a volunteer supported Project Management application. There is no "company" behind this project, it is managed, maintained, developed and supported by a volunteer group and by the users themselves. The software is free to anyone who would like to download it. Day to day support is provided fre