
2012年6月6日のブックマーク (2件)

  • UI-patterns.com

    User Interface Design patterns are recurring solutions that solve common design problems. Design patterns are standard reference points for the experienced user interface designer. Product Insights at your fingertips. Our confidence-boosting product tools for business growth are practical guides and strategies that will immediately amplify the expertise of you and your team.

    torimoku 2012/06/06
    UIパターン ナビ>DesignPattarnとかから見ると良い
  • Collection: Design Patterns

    Reuse, recycle, but don’t reinvent the wheel unless necessary. by Brian Christiansen at UI Engineering. Via. This collection captures findings of consistent, unique or interesting interfaces and design flows from across the web. Please note that the content of these sets is not representative of all of the patterns I've captured. I tend to use tags more religiously and recommend that you look ther

    Collection: Design Patterns
    torimoku 2012/06/06
    とっても参考になりそうなデザインパターン集 たとえば404エラー header/nav/footer カレンダー カテゴリー別画像集