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標準化とOAuthに関するtsupoのブックマーク (1)

  • What's going on with OAuth? - O'Reilly Radar

    Over the past week there’s been a variety of incorrect information shared about what’s going on with the OAuth protocol. Chris Messina (Google), Dick Hardt (Microsoft), Eran Hammer-Lahav (Yahoo!), and I (Facebook) wrote this post to help provide a bit more clarity. The OAuth protocol enables users to provide third-party access to their web resources without sharing their passwords; kind of like a

    What's going on with OAuth? - O'Reilly Radar
    tsupo 2010/01/09
    Last year OAuth transitioned to the IETF as a new Working Group to produce version 1.1 which would be suitable for publication as an Internet Standard. / The goal is to have a set of stable drafts for OAuth 2.0 by the upcoming IETF OAuth Working Group meeting in March at the 77th IETF meeting.
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