Jon Combe What's this all about? Start typing in the blue box...
Jon Combe What's this all about? Start typing in the blue box...
OMMWRITER A perfect place to think and write _ A perfect place to think and write OmmWriter is a tool which makes it easier for you to concentrate. Based on a natural setting, it effectively insulates your mind from distractions and sets up a direct line between your thoughts and your words. As if you were alone, you'll hear your inner voice clearer than ever and you'll be able to delve deeper int
Browser-based interfaces are slow, clumsy, and require you to be online just to use them. Web browsers are wonderful for reading articles, but not for creating them. If you’re writing for the web, you need a desktop blog editor. And if you’re lucky enough to have a Mac, nothing is more powerful, or more elegant than MarsEdit. Streamlined Microposting The new Microposting feature makes it as easy t