1979年デザイン科グラフィックデザイン専攻卒業/2009年/Offset printing/1030×728 mm(B1)/クライアント:秋山孝ポスター美術館長岡
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This site requires Flash 10.1 player, please upgrade your » PLAYER from Adobe and enable javascript in your browser Urban Fossils Photography project by Yohannes Artinyan The Idea The project is a photographic portrait of two fossilized building complexes, realized in the summer of 2010. I. Perperikon. A famous ancient sanctuary and oracle shrine dedicated to Dionysus, a sanctuary of the Thracians
Hi there, I’m Caco Teixeira. Sound designer for linear and interactive media projects. Born in Brazil and based in Germany, I have 14 years of experience creating audio content for projects worldwide. I love interpreting movements into sound creatively, depicting ideas, and conveying emotions. Attention to detail and an absolute passion for sound drive me in every project’s conception and executio
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