In this Photoshop tutorial I'll show you how to add a comic book effect to an ordinary photo using a few layers, the Cutout and Poster Edges filters and a few different layer blend modes.
The moments after your phone gets wet are crucial. Follow these steps to improve your chances of saving your device. … Read more
A few weeks ago I published a tutorial called Girl in Tempo. I used the new version of Pixelmator that had the codename Tempo. The result was really nice and I got a very positive feedback, and, also some emails asking me to do that tutorial in Adobe Photoshop. So yesterday I took a couple of hours to create the Photoshop version of my flying girl. In this tutorial we will use some stock photos an
When I started this blog, way back in 2006, I had no clue how long it would last. I actually had no idea I could even write about something for more than a couple of days. It is funny how things go. Once I read in a book that the secret of happiness was low expectations. That explains why, for over a decade, I have been running this site. It also explains why you might end up on this page. Not los
I have posted about how to create the neon effect in Photoshop a couple of times, however I still get emails from readers asking me how I did the light effect I use on the Abduzeedo logo. So I decided to simplify the process and show you how to create the this effect in very simple steps using basically Layer Styles and a few brushes. Step 1 Open Photoshop and create a new document. I'm using 1920
I’ve seen some very nice images mixing photos with light effects and sparks. If you go to flickr in those Photoshop and Graphic Design groups you will see images with this effect. There’s a designer, I think he's Brazilian, who has some amazing designs using this style, his name is Leandro Demetrius and it’s really worth checking his work out. Anyway, in this tutorial I will show you how to create
Back in 2006, when I first hit “publish,” I had no idea this little blog would outlast my attention span—or that I even had an attention span. Funny how life surprises you, right? Here’s the thing: once upon a time, I read that the secret to happiness is low expectations. Maybe that’s why this blog has thrived for so long—and why you’re here, staring at a 404 page instead of the thing you wanted.
Css3 have a capacity to revolutionize the way we design/develop website. css3 is intoducing loads of new and exciting features. Most of the browsers such as Firefox, Safari already support some of the CSS3 properties It is essential today for a web designer to know about CSS3 and there are many tutorials and resources for the CSS3. Below i’ve listed 25 Useful CSS3 Techniques and Tutorials to get y
We’ve seen many AI artists use the limitless possibilities of artificial intelligence to toy with reality as we know it, and Imagined Architecture is the next one in line. This AI artist is using... We can always count on Etsy to accurately predict the latest trends in the world of home décor, and their forecast for the upcoming holiday season is finally here. From candycore to gingerbread girl,..
As of Firefox 3.5, Chrome 3, and Safari 4, we can take advantage of many of the new HTML 5 features, including native audio support without the need for Flash. As you’ll find, we only to create the new <audio> element, and set a few attributes. In this four minute video quick tip, we’ll review the mark-up, and also a quick way to play audio with jQuery. The Audio Element <audio autoplay="autoplay
2008年、ウェブのデザイナー・開発者がおさえておきたいデザイン、Photoshop&Illustratorのチュートリアル、ブラシやベクター素材、JavaScript、CSS、WordPress、タイポグラフィ、フォント、素材、リソースなどをnoupeのエントリーから紹介します。 2008 Most Popular Design posts, Tutorials and Resources デザイン関連 Photoshopのチュートリアル関連 Illustratorのチュートリアル関連 Photoshop&Illustratorのブラシやベクター素材 JavaScript関連 WordPress関連 CSS関連 フォント&タイポグラフィ関連 ツール&素材関連 デザイン関連 42 Awesome Business Card Designs 20 Beautiful HDR Pictures
よく使うhtmlとCSSのソースセット 読んで字のごとく、よく使うhtmlとcssのソースセット。プロパティはよく使いそうなやつで値は全部空。自分用ストックだったりするので、もしコピペする場合は状況に合わせていろいろ追加やカットしてくらさい。 ナビゲーション部分用のソース サイトのナビゲーション部分によく使ってるソース。意外とこれ毎回書くの面倒なので個人的にこの雛形は気に入ってる。背景画像は通常時もhover時も全部まとめて1枚もの画像になってる前提。 <ul id="navi"> <li id="menu01"><a href=" " title=" "> </a></li> <li id="menu02"><a href=" " title=" "> </a></li> <li id="menu03"><a href=" " title=" "> </a></li> <li id="m
It used to be a time consuming process to create a halftone pattern. First, I would open a picture in Photoshop, convert it to grayscale, apply a halftone pattern effect, open it up in illustrator, trace it, and if didn’t get messed up somewhere in the process, I would use the halftone pattern in Illustrator. In Illustrator CS3 it is quite a bit easier to create halftone patterns without leaving I
This tutorial is an explanation of the techniques involved in creating a fluid flash movies that adapt to browser resolution. It is also an explanation of various tricks needed to make complex layouts can be made to adapt to full screen. Intro to Flexible Flash Layouts Flash movies are traditionally created to be viewed at a certain fixed pixel size. This pixel size is set in the html code used
Oddly enough, whenever we try a new graphics application, we're drawn to applying the cheesiest effects to beautifully designed typefaces. These so-called text or type effects are guilty pleasures that most designers secretly enjoy experimenting with, but would never dare use in professional work. If you're like me and love text effects—and aren't afraid to admit it—here's a thorough guide to some
When I started this blog, way back in 2006, I had no clue how long it would last. I actually had no idea I could even write about something for more than a couple of days. It is funny how things go. Once I read in a book that the secret of happiness was low expectations. That explains why, for over a decade, I have been running this site. It also explains why you might end up on this page. Not los