Welcome to HotGloo The #1 Wireframe & Prototyping Tool HotGloo is a UX, wireframe and prototyping tool designed to build wireframes for web, mobile and wearables. HotGloo helps to visualize planning processes, build and test drive interactions very easily. Create and share fully interactive prototypes with your team and clients and gather feedback on the process. From prototypes of the next award
Mockingbird is no longer in operation. We’re hoping to open-source the code sometime in the near future. In the meantime, some simple alternatives, in a similar spirit to Mockingbird, are: Excalidraw: https://excalidraw.com TLDraw: https://www.tldraw.com If you need a more comprehensive mockup solution, you might want to check out the following: FigJam: https://www.figma.com/figjam/ MockFlow: http
Tumblelog managed by Ivana Jurcic, Web Developer from Belgrade, Serbia. If you want to contribute contact me via email, twitter or post your wireframe in this flickr group. Facebook page Submit wireframes Archive RSS feed Adobe Proto Adobe® Proto, a new Adobe Touch App, lets you create interactive wireframes and prototypes of websites and mobile apps on your tablet. Communicate and share ideas wit