
HeaderとHTTPに関するwlbhiroのブックマーク (2)

  • curl: h2c - headers to curl

    h2c - headers to curl Paste the HTTP request into the text field and get the correspending curl command line for generating such a request. POST /test/site/post.cgi HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com User-Agent: moo Shoesize: 12 Cookie: a=12; b=23 Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 57 {"I do not speak": "json"} {"I do not write it": "either"} use short command line options enable verbose outpu

  • HTTP入門

    HTTPとは? HTTPのサンプル メッセージ構文 リクエスト行 レスポンス行 メソッド ステータス番号 ヘッダ Accept (要求) Accept-Charset (要求) Accept-Encoding (要求) Accept-Language (要求) Accept-Ranges (応答) Age (応答) Allow (要求/応答) Authorization (要求) Cache-Control (要求/応答) Connection (要求/応答) Content-Encoding (要求/応答) Content-Language (要求/応答) Content-Length (要求/応答) Content-Location (要求/応答) Content-MD5 (要求/応答) Content-Range (要求/応答) Content-Type (要求/応答) Date (

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