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Rubik's Cube ® used by permission of Seven Towns Limited. | Published in 2012 Rubik's cube Tutorial: Rubik's cube with HTML5 (CSS3 + JavaScript) : Motivation : Perspective3D : Modeling the cube : The movements : Rotation : JavaScript cross-platform : Introduction This webpage was built entirely using only HTML5, basically CSS3 and JavaScript (with the power of YUI Library). With this project, I wa is the website of Paul Lewis, a British web developer now to be found in Stockholm, Sweden. Hello.A Simple 3D Engine Having used Three.js a lot, and at the suggestion of Bartek Drozdz, I decided to sit down and create a simple 3D engine in JavaScript and WebGL. I have a lot of experience building sites and applications, but I've never built an engine before, nor created anything spec
Paladin Paladin is Mozilla's movement to provide open source gaming technology for the web. Version Number Paladin follows the Semantic Versioning Specification. See for full details. Reporting Issues Build and Test No building is needed for development workflows. To build the engine for distribution, run make in the top-level project directory. The build process produces a javas
Quake 3 map viewer rendered using JavaScript and Canvas 2D
by Ann Davlin · June 15, 2011 35 Of The Best 3D Flash Websites Ever Beauty will save the world! And digital world will be saved by attractive and magnetic 3D Flash websites which are almost brilliant works of art. This kind of sites quickly draws audience’s attention as it provides rich visual experience. So today we would like to touch the subject of 3D Flash Websites – the most interactive and c
dom3d: rendering 3d with CSS3 Fork me on github! James Long works for Mozilla and can be reached at Here is a 3d object. It is rendered with pure HTML and CSS using 2d transforms. These let you specify a transform property on a DOM element composed of translate, rotate, skew, and scale functions. To achieve the 3d effect, I project the 3d triangles into 2d screen space usin
はじめに 前回の記事ではthree.jsのCubeを迷路内で歩かせるものを作りました。 今回は別パターンの移動方法、経路探索を利用したマウスクリックベースの移動デモをやってみます。 下記は、今回用に書いたJSコードです。その他汎用ライブラリと合わせて読み込んでください。 FieldGenerator.js FieldStage.js MrCube.js RouteSearch.js フィールド生成 前回までは迷路が舞台でしたが、今回はマウスクリックベースの移動なので、戦略ゲームのようなフィールドを用意することにしました。 [Demo] Square_001 (WebGLRenderer or CanvasRenderer) [JSソース] マウスドラッグでフィールドの回転、マウスホイールでズームが行えます。 マウスのヒット判定 まずやらなければいけないのは、フィールドのどこをクリックしてい
Once upon a time there was a small ISP called Woaf Tech. It doesn't exist any more. Here's a picture of a goat to cheer you up: If you had an account on then you still do (unless it was lost in the great disk crash of 2009.) Shell, web and email services will continue to be maintained by the old Woaf Tech crew. If you want to buy something then talk to the nice people at LCHost who ow