An exploration of what's possible with CSS for Pokemon Cards, simeydotme (Simon Goellner)
![Pokémon Cards CSS Holographic Effect](;version=1;width=512/
「かっこいいウェブサイト」とはどのようなものでしょう? ICS MEDIAを見てくださるみなさんであれば、ダイナミックなアニメーションや3次元的な動きがあるウェブサイトに「おっ」と惹きつけられた経験は一度や二度ではないかと思います。たとえば、スクロールに連動したインタラクティブな動きは冒険するようなワクワクした気持ち、没入感を与えてくれます。 『ポーラ2029年ビジョン』 本記事の前半では、話題になったウェブサイトからかっこいいスクロール演出の事例を取り上げ、それらを分析します。 さらに記事の後半では、「自分でも作ってみたいなぁ、でもどうやって実装しているんだろう?」と悩むみなさんに向け、オリジナルのデモを用いて実装を紹介します。 本記事を読んだ後には、「どうやって実装しているんだろう?」と未知の技術に感じていたスクロールアニメーションも、「こうやっていたのか!」と身近に感じられるようにな
Breathe under water till the end Inspiration for Article Intro Effects by Henry James — Posted in Inspiration on May 21, 2014 We may define a food to be any substance which will repair the functional waste of the body, increase its growth, or maintain the heat, muscular, and nervous energy. In its most comprehensive sense, the oxygen of the air is a food; as although it is admitted by the lungs, i
box-shadow ◀ ▶ From: 0 0 black To: 0 150px 10px -50px rgba(0,0,0,.5) Author: @leaverou Tweet
2D Transitions Grow Shrink Pulse Pulse Grow Pulse Shrink Push Pop Bounce In Bounce Out Rotate Grow Rotate Float Sink Bob Hang Skew Skew Forward Skew Backward Wobble Horizontal Wobble Vertical Wobble To Bottom Right Wobble To Top Right Wobble Top Wobble Bottom Wobble Skew Buzz Buzz Out Forward Backward Background Transitions Fade Back Pulse Sweep To Right Sweep To Left Sweep To Bottom Sweep To Top
About HTML Preprocessors HTML preprocessors can make writing HTML more powerful or convenient. For instance, Markdown is designed to be easier to write and read for text documents and you could write a loop in Pug. Learn more · Versions Adding Classes In CodePen, whatever you write in the HTML editor is what goes within the <body> tags in a basic HTML5 template. So you don't have access to higher-
Today we’d like to share some experimental and creative link effects with you. The idea is to use pseudo-elements and animate them to create a subtle and modern effect. In the examples we are using hover transitions, but you could also imagine these effects on click or as an initial animation. Please note that pseudo-element transitions don’t work in every browser. Best viewed in Chrome and Firefo
PureDigital I have a passion and thirst for learning new technologies to keep up-to-date with modern web development. Certified Laravel Developer I fuss over creating software that not only looks and feels great but that are user friendly and adaptable to changing user needs. I’ve been bringing web ideas to life in a planned and managed way since 2009. I'm also a certified Laravel developer by Lar
A tutorial about how to create different interesting hover effects on circles with CSS transitions and 3D rotations. In today’s tutorial we’ll experiment with hover effects on circles. Since we have the border radius property, we can create circular shapes and they have been appearing more often as design elements in websites. One use that I especially enjoy seeing is the circular thumbnail which
In this playground we’ll show you some creative, animated books with CSS 3D transforms and transitions. We’ll show you two types of book designs: hardcover and paperback. Both were made to be easily modifiable in some of their content parts using CSS, images, anchors and some extra little details 🙂 Hardcover Book The hardcover book consists of three cubes: hardcover front, book spine and hardcove
Zoomooz is: 6KB gzipped and 18KB minified. This includes everything but jQuery. Make any web page zoom. Download ZIP File Download TAR Ball Fork On GitHub Latest version: 1.1.9 (Nov 11, 2013, hacky fix for the back and forward buttons #66) Zoomooz is a jQuery plugin for making web page elements zoom. It can be used for making Prezi like slideshows and for zooming to images or other details. Quirky
Some inspiration for loading effects of grid items using CSS animations. Today we’d like to share some loading effects for grid items with you. The idea is to show items in a grid with an animation once they are in the viewport. The possibilities are infinite and we’d like to give you some inspiration. Some of the effects are from the awesome CSS3 scroll effects by Hakim El Hattab and the idea is
About HTML Preprocessors HTML preprocessors can make writing HTML more powerful or convenient. For instance, Markdown is designed to be easier to write and read for text documents and you could write a loop in Pug. Learn more · Versions Adding Classes In CodePen, whatever you write in the HTML editor is what goes within the <body> tags in a basic HTML5 template. So you don't have access to higher-
CSS演出小ネタ連投です。 【borde-radius】で作った丸型の要素に対し、マウスオーバーでコンテンツを回転させながら浮かび上がらせる方法です。 transformで拡大と回転 言葉で説明するのはとっても難しい(けどやってることは全然難しくない)のでさっそくサンプルをご覧下さい。 HTML <p> <span>Shop</span> <a href="#">More info</a> </p> 【p】のなかに【span】と【a】が並んで内包されています。通常時は【span】のみ表示させておいてhoverで【a】を浮き上がらせてこよう、という構想。 p,span,a{ display:block; position:absolute; width:100px; height:100px; border-radius:50%; font-size:16px; text-align:cen
Home > フォトショップ講座 > PhotoshopとImagereadyで素早く動く文字のGIFアニメを作る方法 PhotoshopとImagereadyで素早く動く文字のGIFアニメを作る方法 投稿日:2010年03月09日 レベル:初心者 ソフトウェア: このチュートリアルでは、素早く動く文字のGIFアニメを作る方法を紹介します。 Step1 : はじめに Step2 : テキストレイヤーを作成 Step3 : モーションブラーレイヤーを作成 Step4 : ImagereadyでGIFアニメを作成 Step5 : 完成 このチュートリアルは、一般的なアニメーションの作成方法ではありません。 Adobe Photoshop / Imagereadyは、今回のチュートリアルのような小規模アニメーションのために使われます。 通常のテキストレイヤーとモーションブラー(移動して