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ZABBIXに関するytooyamaのブックマーク (1)

  • 4 Installation from packages

    4 Installation from packages From Zabbix official repository Zabbix SIA provides official RPM and DEB packages for: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Debian/Ubuntu/Raspbian SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Package files for yum/dnf, apt and zypper repositories for various OS distributions are available at repo.zabbix.com. Some OS distributions (in particular, Debian-based distributions) provide their own Zabbi

    ytooyama 2016/06/02
    はまりポイント「grant all privileges」でzabbixと言う名前のDBにアクセスを許可したユーザーで実行しなければいけないので「zcat create.sql.gz | mysql -uroot zabbix」ではなくて「zcat create.sql.gz | mysql -uzabbix -ppassword zabbix」と実行する
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