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Last week I was waiting hours in airports, as usual, I was wandering and checking out banners and signs when I found a beautiful Sony ad of a cel phone called Xperia. The thing that really caught my attention was the wallpaper of the phone. It was a colorful light bean crossing the screen . I really like the effect and thought to myself, that is a good idea for a tutorial. So in this tutorial I wi
These earth tone color palettes are perfect for a wide variety of nature-inspired designs. Use the provided hex codes to save time choosing colors.
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Icons play such a key part of any contemporary website, application or user interface design. I find that strategically placed icons can do one of two things. The first is that it visually enhances your design. Secondly is the usability factor, by drawing more attention to the icons gives the end user a much easier time navigating your design and finding what their looking for with much greater ea
投稿日:<2006年7月18日> レベル:初級 ソフトウェア: このチュートリアルは、イメージを使って、継ぎ目のないテクスチャーを作成する方法を紹介していきます。ここでは、イメージにgreycobraのロゴを使います。このチュートリアルは、空白の多いテクスチャーを作るのではなく、何かでぎっしり埋まったようなテクスチャーを作る方法を紹介します。 テクスチャーに関して言えば、継ぎ目がないといっても、完璧に繰り返しているものはその継ぎ目はすぐわかります。それゆえ、テクスチャーイメージのサイズは200×200以上の大きさで作りましょう。さらに良いものを作ために、大きなイメージをこのチュートリアルで紹介しているツールを使って、よりリアルになるように時間をかけて下さい。 このチュートリアルで紹介している方法は、プロのデザイナーがウェブサイトの背景や素材を作るときのやり方となんら違いはありませ
You are looking at archived content. The hot new stuff is happening at Veerle's blog 3.0. You should check it out! One of the frequest questions I get from readers is how you create seamless patterns in Illustrator. Today I’ll explain how I create such patterns and how you can scale and rotate them using different settings in the Scale tool options. Draw your pattern First we start by drawing a sq
Introduction In this tutorial we are going to create a jQuery, CSS & PHP twitter ticker which utilizes Twitter's Search API. It will show your or your friends' latest tweets. In order to use twitter's newer, v1.1 API, we will have to use a PHP proxy script, that will communicate with the API securely for us. Originally, this tutorial was published in 2009 and used Twitter's search API which was Ja
Note: as you can see, almost all of the website builders on this list don't allow custom domain names. This is a common practice for free website builders. Moreover, free website creators with custom domain are a big and big rarity. I recommend not pay too much importance to this and pay attention to comparing other characteristics. When you upgrade a free plan to any paid plan (even basic) - you
President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. There are plenty of jQuery tricks and
Here at Designrfix, we take pride in the massive amount of content we offer to our readers. From our Genral Articles to informational posts, every reader will find an article or product suitable for their wants and needs. Our main way of providing content is in-house writing. Our talented team members write in-house on the hottest topics on the web, DesignrFix is made to Provide an in depth inform
You can add tons of cool features onto your site with JavaScript. But there are so many libraries and plugins to choose from, it can be a drag finding the best options. If you’re designing custom forms like user signups/logins, contact pages, or settings pages, these plugins can add some extra dynamic features to jazz up your static input fields. Your Web Designer Toolbox Unlimited Downloads: 500,
There are over 700 Photoshop tutorials in this list, covering various subjects, from PSD slicing to fantasy art, logo design techniques to text effects, and so much more. Whether you’re looking for free Photoshop tutorials to learn how to create websites, logos, text effects, textures, patterns, icons, or even photo retouching effects, this list covers all your needs! Some tutorials are for beginn