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fiberに関するinoueyuworksのブックマーク (1)

  • Fiber (computer science) - Wikipedia

    In computer science, a fiber is a particularly lightweight thread of execution. Like threads, fibers share address space. However, fibers use cooperative multitasking while threads use preemptive multitasking. Threads often depend on the kernel's thread scheduler to preempt a busy thread and resume another thread; fibers yield themselves to run another fiber while executing. Threads, fibers and co

    inoueyuworks 2020/06/07
    thread のような実行単位を表すが、 thread と違い、自分からコンテキストスイッチのタイミングを明示するタイプのもの。定義より、 thread よりもずっと軽量で実行できる。
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