
2011年7月13日のブックマーク (1件)

  • A little local difficulty

    A little local difficultyAmerican newspapers are in trouble, but in emerging markets the news industry is roaring ahead “WHO KILLED THE newspaper?” That was the question posed on the cover of The Economist in 2006. It was, perhaps, a little premature. But there is no doubt that newspapers in many parts of the world are having a hard time. In America, where they are in the deepest trouble, the pers

    A little local difficulty
    AKANE_Daigo 2011/07/13
    各国の新聞事情。広告収入の減少にあえぐアメリカ。定期購読に支えられる日本。インドでは市場が急成長: How newspapers are faring: A little local difficulty |