
2015年2月10日のブックマーク (2件)

  • A dad and two mums

    EVERY year around a hundred children are born in Britain with seriously damaged mitochondria, those parts of a living cell that synthesise the chemical fuel that powers the rest of it. It is often a death sentence. Those who survive live a debilitating existence in which the tissues of their bodies—brains, muscles, nerves and the rest—are chronically short of the energy they need to function.

    A dad and two mums
    AKANE_Daigo 2015/02/10
  • Oh, baby

    Oh, babyBritain’s approval of babies with three genetic parents offers lessons for other countries “PLAYING God” is what medicine is for. Every Caesarean section and cancer treatment is an attempt to interfere with the natural course of events for the benefit of the patient. Not every procedure should be allowed, but a general sense of what is “unnatural” is a poor guide to what to ban. Transplant

    Oh, baby
    AKANE_Daigo 2015/02/10