
2018年3月28日のブックマーク (1件)

  • FT 1000: High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific

    MethodologyThis is a list of 1000 fast-growing companies in the Asia-Pacific region, ranked by their compound annual growth in revenues between 2013 and 2016. The ranking was created through a complex procedure. Although the search was very extensive, the ranking does not claim to be complete, as some companies did not want to make their figures public or did not participate for other reasons. Thr

    FT 1000: High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific
    AKANE_Daigo 2018/03/28
    FTの選ぶアジアパシフィック地域の成長率上位企業1000。個人的に気になったのはRicksoft (128位 352% Atlassianなどの製品導入)とShift (142位 320% ソフトウェアテスト)。こういう業務内容で、この成長率ってすごいな。