Dear Twitter: Zuckerberg isn't in China, he's in Tokyo Despite reports that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was in China, he arrived in Tokyo today to meet the prime minister and surprising guests at the Mobile Hack event. According to Asiajin, and reports on Twitter, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has made a surprise appearance at an event in Tokyo today. Despite previous reports suggesting th
Wanting to boost the profile of its social network and explain the advantages of its service in Japan, Facebook has authorised the creation of “Facebook Navi“, a navigation service which provides its Japanese users with an overview on the service, its applications and Pages. Facebook Navi is the “world’s first official navigation service” for Facebook and lists four menu selections detailing “What
Японии однозначно надо объединиться с Россией. Отпадёт сразу куча проблем, из которых принадлежность Курил - самое плёвое. А кроме того, Россия получит доступ к самым современным технологиям, а Япония - к российским ресурсам. И без всяких войн! А заодно и дядюшке Сэму с Джоном Булем "нос натянуть"... ))) Святое дело - бедняги предприняли столько усилий для того, чтобы рассорить Японию и Россию нав
It might help to add some context that before facebook, the main SNS in japan was almost entirely populated by pseudonyms. The article's not very clear, though -- the implication to me seems to be that Facebook wants the information, but you're still free to use pseudonyms on the service itself to keep your name private.Some Japanese people have major problems with revealing their name -- either p
Sports Marketing","channel":"getPostsByTaxonomyAndTermId","channelControlValue":"category","channelControlSubValue":"52596","hasTitle":true,"hasImage":true,"hasViewAllLink":true,"viewAllLink":"","layout":"","isInfiniteLayout":false}" data-post-container-view-all-link="">
マルコム・グラッドウェルの苦言と岡田斗司夫の予言 2010年10月14日 IT社会カルチャーメディア コメント: トラックバック (0) フィードIT社会カルチャーメディア (これまでの yomoyomoの「情報共有の未来」はこちら) (なぜか邦題がコロコロ変わる)『ティッピング・ポイント』、『第1感 「最初の2秒」の「なんとなく」が正しい』、(やはり邦題がアレな)『天才! 成功する人々の法則』などの著書で知られるベストセラー作家マルコム・グラッドウェルが今月はじめに The New Yorker に発表したエッセイ Small Change: Why the revolution will not be tweeted. は、海外のネット論壇で大きな反響を呼びました。 正直読む気を殺がれる長さなので、未読の人には ReadWriteWeb や Guardian の要約記事を読むことをまず