A new tool that blends your everyday work apps into one. It's the all-in-one workspace for you and your team
infoThis documentation is a work-in-progress. Use.GPU is in alpha. warning_amberWebGPU is only available in certain browsers. Use.GPU is a set of declarative, reactive WebGPU legos. Compose live graphs, layouts, meshes and shaders, on the fly. It's a stand-alone Typescript+Rust/WASM library with its own React-like run-time. If you're familiar with React, you will feel right at home. It has a built
Main features Interactive physics simulation of damageable and glueable soft bodies and fluids Genetic system and neural networks for simulating digital organisms and evolution Built-in graph and genome editor for designing own agents and environments Simulation and rendering on GPU Spatio-temporally varying simulation parameters Software is open-source and available under the BSD-3-Clause licens
たった2つのライブラリで、docker-compose内のコンテナでGPUを走らせ、最短の労力で開発を進める方法(2020年2月2日確認)NVIDIADockerdocker-composePyTorch docker-composeを使う理由 docker-composeはみなさん使ってますか? docker-composeはdocker runの際のoptionを全てyamlファイルで記述することができ、再現性を高めることができます。しかし、docker-compose内でnvidia-smiを走らせる、GPUを使うには一手間いるので今回は紹介したいと思います。 僕はoptunaでHyperparameter Tuningするときに、探索結果を保存するmysqlのコンテナを立ち上げる必要があり、今回調査しました。 単純に、container内でgpuを走らせる場合は docker ru
Moore's Law has been ridiculously accurate for more than 50 years - how long will it hold up? See in this visualization how the actual transistors in CPUs and GPUs compare to the linear progression of Moore's Law. From the early days of microprocessors, to Intel dominance and the rise of GPUs. Music: Dizaro - Aurora Borealis https://theartistunion.com/dizarofr Data sources: Too many to list her