Be focused and make things easier. Focus To-Do is an easy-to-use time and task management application that helps you to manage tasks anywhere and anytime, and helps you to perform tasks efficiently. Millions of users around the world use our application and have gained efficiency. Based on the Pomodoro Technique Set an execution time for the task, focus on the task until the end of the time, the h
Tweek is a FREE personal and shared to do list app to organize your tasks and collaborate on them online with your team or family. It provides a weekly calendar view mode and a reminder app. Tweek is an online daily and weekly planner that boosts your productivity to the best level. Instantly plan and organize your week todos!
Does GitHub Copilot know who you are? Watch this to find out 👀
Welcome to TaskwarriorTaskwarrior is Free and Open Source Software that manages your TODO list from the command line. It is flexible, fast, and unobtrusive. It does its job then gets out of your way. New User? Start here... GBF Community MeetingOur bi-weekly community meeting happens on Saturday, February 1. Starting time is 1600 UTC. The meeting details are below. Google Meet joining info Video
Your goals can be anything quantifiable — weight, pushups, minutes spent on Facebook, points on Duolingo. Answer with your number when Beeminder asks — or connect a device/app below to auto-report — and we'll show your progress and a Bright Red Line to follow to stay on track. If you cross the line, we charge your payment method!
Pinnitを使用すると、ノートを作成、管理、通知パネルに固定できます。 使いやすい ワンタップでピン留め、ワンタップで編集、スワイプで削除。それより簡単にはなりません。 ダークモード お使いの携帯電話がダークモードをサポートしていない場合でも、サポートします!ホームページから直接切り替えることができます。
As a team of over 26 nationalities, we at Wunderlist/Microsoft To Do know what it's like to move your life from one place to another. Be it a city or an app, moving can be stressful and scary – but, more importantly, exciting and refreshing. The key to a successful move is having the support to make your transition as seamless as possible, so you can focus on enjoying all the new experiences and c
Instantly integrate your work and kanbanTODOs in your markdown, docs and code are represented as cards on your kanban board. Your files and kanban are kept in sync and your cards link directly to your work. Organize your TODO comments with kanbanCreating a TODO kanban board for your project is simple. Open imdone and click "Add a project". Imdone will scan your project directory for TODO comments
使いやすいタスク管理。 そして"優しさ"も。 いままでになかった使い心地で2012年度のグッドデザイン賞した『ToDous』は基本機能の『使いやすさ』にトコトンこだわりました。でも、それだけじゃないんです。殺伐としがちなビジネスシーンで"優しさ"も表現します。 ゆるキャラ『東道(ToDo)さん』登場! 上司からの依頼に『Yes!』で対応が基本…でも、本当は少しだけ言いたいこともあるかもしれません。ToDousではそういった気持は東道さんに任せましょう。『了解です!(でも本当は辛いヨォm(_ _)m)なぁんて気持ちも気軽に表現出来ます。 iCal形式の出力に対応。Googleカレンダーとも連携 iCal形式のエクスポートに対応しました。これで普段使っているGoogleカレンダーと連携できます。これでプライベートで使っているグループウェアをタスク管理に活用できます。 ATMのような誰でも使える