I love Wordle. I play it pretty much every single day. I also play the portuguese version immediately afterwards too. It is now part of my morning routine. Wordle is one of those ideas that just click and immediately have you wishing you were the one to have them. If you don’t know what Wordle is, just click here and play it. Give it a try, you’ll probably like it. It won’t take you more than 10 m
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Wordle is getting too easy for you? Try the reverse wordle. You are given a pattern and the solution word. You have to guess the rest of the words.
about nerdle and the nerdleverseOur flagship game, nerdle, was inspired by puzzle games and a passion for math. It challenges you to find the hidden calculation in just six guesses. In the wider nerdleverse, you'll roam an entire galaxy of puzzles, including number-based crosswords, anagrams, and so much more. Whether you're a math enthusiast or just looking for a daily brain workout, the nerdleve
A daily math challenge inspired by wordle