2012年7月9日のブックマーク (1件)

  • Abacus Classes: Let your child improve himself with experts

    MASTERMIND ABACUS PROGRAM IMPROVES YOUR CHILD'S MENTAL MATH AND OVERALL ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE Nurture a Love for Math with Mastermind's Interactive Abacus Classes & Training It is scientifically proven that Abacus training boosts brainpower along with strengthening math skills in children aged 6-14 years. Mastermind Abacus Classes have a proven track record of fostering math skills and promoting Wh

    Abacus Classes: Let your child improve himself with experts
    AlenMeis 2012/07/09
    We at Master Mind Abacus, developed teaching methods followed universally and train students accordingly. Our R&D Department developed a unique software to facilitate the practice of mental abacus calculation, making it very interesting for the kids.