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KAMUI曰く、"海外に於いて,ひらがな・カタカナ・漢字に限らず日本の(そして中国の)文字などをモチーフにしたものは『Kanji Designs』として一つのジャンルになっています。さて,CafePress.com はオリジナルグッズなどの制作・通販をサポートしてくれるオンラインショップです。当然の様に、Kanji をあしらったグッズが沢山。 十二支や筆文字あたりはまだ普通かと思いましたが,何故かアメリカの州名とか,どう考えても無断使用ちゃうか?という都道府県章,更に父の日・母の日まで来るともうワケワカです。そして… ダメだ!とても 07月21日についてはかけないっ! と言う事であとは自分の眼でご確認ください(^_^;"
BME IS OFFLINE We apologize for the inconvenience, but BME is currently offline. Regrettably, in 2022, we suffered a devastating loss with the sudden and unfortunate passing of our esteemed leader, Rachel Larratt. As we mourned this profound loss, our commitment to keeping BME operational remained unwavering. However, we encountered an unprecedented challenge when multiple systems experienced a ca
BME IS OFFLINE We apologize for the inconvenience, but BME is currently offline. Regrettably, in 2022, we suffered a devastating loss with the sudden and unfortunate passing of our esteemed leader, Rachel Larratt. As we mourned this profound loss, our commitment to keeping BME operational remained unwavering. However, we encountered an unprecedented challenge when multiple systems experienced a ca