
2012年12月23日のブックマーク (1件)

  • Cooperative multitasking using coroutines (in PHP!)

    Cooperative multitasking using coroutines (in PHP!) 22. December 2012 One of the large new features in PHP 5.5 will be support for generators and coroutines. Generators are already sufficiently covered by the documentation and various other blog posts (like this one or this one. Coroutines on the other hand have received relatively little attention. The reason is that coroutines are both a lot mor

    PaulYamamoto 2012/12/23
    #PHP5.5 でyieldとclojureを使ってNode.jsのようなNonBlockingサーバーを実現する例。3回ぐらい読み返して面白さがようやく分かったけど、あとで実装して動かして試してみたい。 yieldでPHPでもなんちゃって非同期が出来るとは!