Thanks! Please check your inbox to confirm your subscription. If you haven’t previously confirmed a subscription to a Mozilla-related newsletter you may have to do so. Please check your inbox or your spam filter for an email from us. Rodrigo Ayala Excellent!, I didn’t know anything about this feature, a great functionality to show fullscreen videos or play cool games using the whole screen. Note:
If you are a web developer, you surely must know how handy it is to dynamically change the class attribute on an element. The benefits this technique are quite a few: You leave any changes in the look and feel to the CSS You avoid having to loop lots of elements as you can allow CSS to do that job for you by assigning a class on a parent element You can trigger CSS transitions and avoid having to
This is a proposal for what the Firefox Mobile User Agent string should be, which has been endorsed by the Fennec team. It takes into account various newsgroup discussions, plus John Jensen's comparative analysis of various potential User Agent strings. (See below for more info on how to correctly interpret that data.) We hope to implement it before Fennec Beta on 31st January. Summary Mobile: Moz