
2019年10月23日のブックマーク (3件)

  • Hybrid npm packages (ESM and CommonJS)

    Warning: This blog post is outdated. It may contain incorrect information. Update 2019-11-22: ESM support in Node.js is not experimental, anymore. This post was updated to reflect that. Conditional exports are now explained. In this blog post, we look at npm packages that contain both ES modules and CommonJS modules. Required knowledge: How ES modules are supported natively on Node.js. You can rea

    Shisama 2019/10/23
  • Node v13.0.0 (Current) | Node.js

    العربية Catalan Deutsch English Español زبان فارسی Français Galego Italiano 日語 ქართული 한국어 Nederlands Português do Brasil limba română Русский Türkçe Українська 简体中文 繁體中文 Notable Changes assert: If the validation function passed to assert.throws() or assert.rejects() returns a value other than true, an assertion error will be thrown instead of the original error to highlight the programming mista

    Node v13.0.0 (Current) | Node.js
    Shisama 2019/10/23
    Node.js v13がリリース🚀V8は7.8になりObjectの分割代入のパフォーマンス、メモリ使用量、WASMの起動時間が改善された。full-icuでビルドされi18nを強化。http-parserが削除。http、http2のタイムアウトがデフォルト2分から無しに、など
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion

    Advertising (1501) Album Art (2800) Art/Illustration (411) Booklets/Pamphlets (1610) Books (4374) Branding/Identity (5251) Ephemera (859) Exhibition/Installation (712) Film/Video (724) Infographics/Maps (404) Magazines/Periodicals (1442) Mobile/Tablet (431) Newspapers (225) Object/Product (763) Packaging (1567) Posters/Flyers (3822) Signs (1512) Software/Apps (202) Web (3600) Adobe Caslon (71) Ado

    Neon Genesis Evangelion