2008年7月29日のブックマーク (7件)

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    The large-language-models (LLMs) behind AI chatbots ‘think’ in English, even when being asked questions in other languages, new research shows.  To investigate this phenomenon, researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne looked at three versions of these AI chatbot models: opening them up to see the various “layers” that make up these…

    aki1770 2008/07/29
    Bernard Lunn's insight:"Specifically, the issue with Knol is: how much Google tunes their search algorithm to favor Knol content vs alternative content on the same subject? This is where Google could be crossing the line. This is not so far from Microsoft bundling Explorer in order to beat Netscape.
  • Media “Zelig” Men: Bill Campbell and Vivi Nevo – Old GigaOm

    Yes, they exist, but you may never have heard of them before. Coincidentally, Fortune and New York Times (NYSE: NYT) profile two of the most powerful behind-the-scene men in the Internet and media industry, within a week of each other. — Fortune profiles Bill Campbell, the former Columbia University football coach who is the most confidential advisor in Silicon Valley. As the story says, he is adv

    aki1770 2008/07/29
    Rafat Ali cites Steve Jobs:"Campbell is not just a board member; he’s also Jobs’ friend, and the two take regular Sunday walks around the streets near their homes in Palo Alto, where Jobs says they discuss “the things that have got me concerned and things I haven’t yet figured out.”"
  • More Facebook executive musical chairs: Mozilla’s Shroepfer joins engineering; board changes happening?

    More Facebook executive musical chairs: Mozilla’s Shroepfer joins engineering; board changes happening? Facebook has been looking for new engineering leaders for months. It just got one, in Mozilla’s Vice President of Engineering, Mike Schroepfer. His responsibilities will include “leading front-end product and platform engineering,” according to Facebook. This helps sort out some of the ongoing e

    aki1770 2008/07/29
    Eric Eldon cites Mark Zuckerberg:“a particularly impressive position given the global, collaborative and open process in which Mozilla operates and develops its products.Facebook has similar values and Mike will be a great addition to our engineering team.”
  • When Google disowns you | Software as Services | ZDNet.com

    Microsoft watcher Mary Jo Foley's blog covers the products, people and strategies that make Microsoft tick. Larry Dignan and other IT industry experts, blogging at the intersection of business and technology, deliver daily news and analysis on vital enterprise trends.

    When Google disowns you | Software as Services | ZDNet.com
    aki1770 2008/07/29
    Mary Jo Foley cites Craig Mundie:"When people talk about a natural user interface, you know, we talk about handwriting and touch and speech and these things, but this is what a natural user interface is really going to be all about."
  • Screwgle™ - Google's new ad revenue model

    Google's strict code of secrecy calls for extra silence when the subject is AdWords, the epic money-making machine fueling the company's drive towards world domination. But sometimes, the truth slips out. Earlier this month, during Google's all-important quarterly earnings call, a financial analyst outed the company's plans to squeeze who knows how many extra dollars from the world's online advert

    aki1770 2008/07/29
    Cade Metz cites Eric Schmidt:""It’s really too early to - the answer is it should apply to everybody," Schmidt said, before asking Google co-founder Sergey Brin to change the subject. "Serge, do you want to talk a little bit about coverage?""
  • Cuil's New Search Engine: Cheaper Than Google, but Not Better

    CORRECTION: Anna Patterson’s name was misspelled, sometimes, in the first version of this post. If you invented a more efficient way to build an automatic transmission, I’m not so sure that the right response is to start a car company. I’m trying to figure out why so many of the very smart people I meet who are trying to start search engines are building products I just have no interest in using.

    Cuil's New Search Engine: Cheaper Than Google, but Not Better
    aki1770 2008/07/29
    Saul Hansell cites Anna Patterson:"“Yahoo said it cost $300 million to get into the game of search,” she said. “We have a different architecture that allows you to get in at a ’series B’ price point,”"
  • Could Cuil bring us closer to God? | The Seeker | Chicago Tribune | Blog

    Attention fellow seekers and searchers of truth: Another search engine has revved up to give Google a run for its clicks. Called Cuil (pronounced cool), the search engine provides seekers one more way to surf more than 120 billion Web pages. Could opening another portal on the Internet have the potential of bringing us any closer to God? The popularity of search engines suggests maybe so. In a sur

    aki1770 2008/07/29
    Manya Brachear cites William Sims Bainbridge:"Wikis are the wave of the future, not search engines. Now that there are hundreds of thousands of wikis, I think that development of interest-group oriented wikis is the wave of the future, using them to find web pages rather than using search engines."