2009年7月6日のブックマーク (5件)

  • 《ジャクソン以後》の世界: マスカルチャーなき世界 | FERMAT

    《ジャクソン以後》の世界: マスカルチャーなき世界 July 06, 2009 op-ed / commentary authorjunichi ikeda share tweet マイケル・ジャクソン(MJ)が他界してから10日ほどが過ぎた。 さすがは、King of Popといわれた人物だけのことはあって、この間、連日、MJについて何ごとも報道されない日はなかった。夥しい数の言説でネットは溢れている。 報道内容は多岐にわたる。 当日のMJの様子をドキュメンタリーのように伝えるもの。 MJの死因が何か探究するもの。 MJの生涯を駆け足でまとめたもの。 MJの偉業を紹介したもの。 MJの醜聞を記したもの。 MJの遺産(とその分配)について触れたもの。 そして、MJの死を悼む人々の様子を、世界中の各地から伝えたもの。 中でも、NY、LA、そしてインディアナのMJの生地の様子を伝えるもの。 M

    《ジャクソン以後》の世界: マスカルチャーなき世界 | FERMAT
    aki1770 2009/07/06
  • The Pmarca Guide to Personal Productivity

    More About Marc Marc Andreessen is a cofounder and general partner at the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. He is an innovator and creator, one of the few to pioneer a software category used by more than a billion people and one of the few to establish multiple billion-dollar companies. Marc co-created the highly influential Mosaic internet browser and co-founded Netscape, which later sold

    The Pmarca Guide to Personal Productivity
    aki1770 2009/07/06
    Marc Andreessen: "A technology startup is all about the entrepreneurial team and their vision. Our job as venture capitalists is primarily to support entrepreneurs by helping them build great companies around their ideas."
  • The VC's Customer (continued)

    About four years, I wrote a post on this blog asserting that the VC's customer is the entrepreneur. I wrote: The entrepreneur is the customer and the LP is the shareholder. That's the only way to think about the venture capital business that makes sense to me. And then I went on to explain why that is the right way to think about the VC business. I am revisiting that post today because I love what

    aki1770 2009/07/06
    Fred Wilson:"That's right. Our job is to support the entrepreneurs. You got that right Marc and Ben. The VC industry is changing. New firms with new values are sprouting up replacing older firms who saw themselves in different lights."
  • When Google disowns you | Software as Services | ZDNet.com

    Microsoft watcher Mary Jo Foley's blog covers the products, people and strategies that make Microsoft tick. Larry Dignan and other IT industry experts, blogging at the intersection of business and technology, deliver daily news and analysis on vital enterprise trends.

    When Google disowns you | Software as Services | ZDNet.com
    aki1770 2009/07/06
    Larry Dignan:"Technology companies can be built on the cheap. That means Andreessen Horowitz can invests in many more companies, but create the scale to magnify the effects."
  • Best Netflix Suitor: Amazon or...Microsoft? | Kara Swisher | BoomTown | AllThingsD

    aki1770 2009/07/06