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  • Facebook to move to Stanford Research Park

    Some employees may remain in downtown Palo Alto — neighborhood part of firm's 'DNA' by Arden Pennell / Palo Alto Weekly Uploaded: Mon, Aug 18, 2008, 1:08 pm 13 Updated: Mon, Aug 18, 2008, 4:16 pm Time to read: about 3 minutes The Internet firm Facebook, headquartered in downtown Palo Alto with more than 600 employees at five offices, will move a substantial portion of its operations to a site at S

    Facebook to move to Stanford Research Park
    aki1770 2008/08/20
    Arden Pennell cites Debbie Frost:""The motivation behind the move was the need to scale the organization while taking into account employee preferences to be located together as much as possible,""
  • Start-up incubator opens downtown

    For University Avenue businessman, it's location, location, location by Arden Pennell / Palo Alto Weekly Uploaded: Thu, Jun 5, 2008, 2:51 pm 0 Time to read: about 4 minutes Running a fledgling start-up company out of a garage may sound romantic, but local entrepreneur Saeed Amidi has a different idea for young companies. He's designed a sort of entrepreneurship ecosystem with his Plug and Play Tec

    Start-up incubator opens downtown
    aki1770 2008/06/08
    Arden Pennell on EatLime:"While normal incubators take shares in companies, Amidi's centers don't necessarily, he said. But he can choose to give funding through his family's investment firm Amidzad. Amidzad invested in EatLime, for example."
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