2017年4月12日のブックマーク (6件)

  • » asynchronous disk I/O

    asynchronous disk I/O Friday, October 26th, 2012 by arvid Since 2010, I’ve been working, on and off, on a branch off of libtorrent which use asynchronous disk I/O, instead of the synchronous disk calls in the disk thread in 0.16.x versions. The aio branch has several performance improvements apart from allowing multiple disk operations outstanding at any given time. For instance: the disk cache al

    akito0107 2017/04/12
  • node.jsを支えるlibuvのチュートリアル"uvbook" :基礎 - 自由課題

    この文書はuvbookの日語翻訳の一部となります。文書そのものの説明その他については目次をご覧ください。 libuvの基礎 libuvは 非同期、 イベント駆動 のプログラミングスタイルを強制します。 libuvの中心的な機能はイベントループとI/Oと他の活動(activity)の通知をベースにしたコールバックを提供することです。libuvはタイマのようなユーティリティ、ノンブロッキングのネットワークのサポート、非同期のファイルシステムへのアクセス、子プロセス等を提供します。 イベントループ イベント駆動のプログラミングにおいては、アプリケーションは特定のイベントに対する興味を表明し、そのイベントが発生した時にこれらに反応します。OSか他の発生源からイベントを収集する責任はlibuvによって取り扱われ、ユーザはイベントが発生した時に実行されるコールバックを登録することができます。イベント

    node.jsを支えるlibuvのチュートリアル"uvbook" :基礎 - 自由課題
    akito0107 2017/04/12
  • rfcs/text/0230-remove-runtime.md at master · rust-lang/rfcs

    This RFC proposes to remove the runtime system that is currently part of the standard library, which currently allows the standard library to support both native and green threading. In particular: The libgreen crate and associated support will be moved out of tree, into a separate Cargo package. The librustrt (the runtime) crate will be removed entirely. The std::io implementation will be directl

    rfcs/text/0230-remove-runtime.md at master · rust-lang/rfcs
    akito0107 2017/04/12
  • [rust-dev] Abandoning segmented stacks in Rust

    Brian Anderson banderson at mozilla.com Mon Nov 4 18:21:51 PST 2013 Previous message: [rust-dev] Using libextra within libstd? Next message: [rust-dev] Abandoning segmented stacks in Rust Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] Greetings you delightful Rustic people, Sound the death knell for segmented stacks. The new runtime does not implement segmented stacks and it never

    akito0107 2017/04/12
  • How Stacks are Handled in Go

    At CloudFlare, We use Go for a variety of services and applications. In this blog post, We're going to take a deep dive into some of the technical intricacies of Go. One of the more important features of Go is goroutines. They are cheap, cooperatively scheduled threads of execution that are used for a variety of operations, like timeouts, generators and racing multiple backends against each other.

    How Stacks are Handled in Go
    akito0107 2017/04/12
  • Contiguous stacks in Go

    Lately I’ve been messing with Go and I really like it. The 1.3 release is due in June 2014 and among other performance improvements, the runtime will implement contiguous stacks. Let’s see what this is about. Segmented stacks The 1.2 runtime uses segmented stacks, also known as split stacks. In this approach, stacks are discontiguous and grow incrementally. Each stack starts with a single segment.

    akito0107 2017/04/12