2009年6月28日のブックマーク (3件)

  • Uniforms of the WW2

    This contributor says "My hobby deals strictly with World War II militaria & insignia. However, rather than collecting the actual items, I collect and use high resolution photos of them to create Photoshop images that show myself in the uniform of a Captain (or equivalent rank) in whichever armed force and branch of service those insignia were worn by.

  • Terayama Shūji & Tenjō Sajiki

    Better late than never: I've finally got around to visiting a few important Terayama-related localities on a recent trip to Japan. Here is a little photo-report: Terayama monument... ...and museum on the outskirts of Misawa city in Aomori, where Terayama spent his childhood. Adjacent beautiful park: On the road back to Misawa: Osorezan, abode of the spirits, ubiquitous in Terayama's writings and t

  • 風俗図会データベース

    ▲閲覧方法の選択 ▲TOP 作品一覧 (五十音順) 青物魚軍勢大合戰之圗 無飽三財圖㑹 [初編] 巻第一 無飽三財圖㑹 [初編] 巻第二 無飽三財圖㑹 [初編] 巻第三 無飽三財圖㑹 [2編] 巻第一 無飽三財圖㑹 [2編] 巻第二 無飽三財圖㑹 [2編]巻第三 [秋葉権現図] 悪魔除 淺草觀音利益仇討雷太郎強惡物語 2編10巻 前編 淺草觀音利益仇討雷太郎強惡物語 2編10巻 [後編] 東錦晝夜競 蟹滿寺 東錦晝夜競 佐賀の怪 東錦晝夜競 [玉藻前] 安達原一ツ家之圖 あつさう : 風俗三十二相 安倍泰成調伏妖怪圗 尼城錦 首卷 尼城錦 半之卷 尼城錦 尾卷 尼子武勇傳 有王丸 出雲國麻疹除御神 [一谷源平合戦図] [犬神図] 今様福神寶遊狂 岩木山大神 岩戸神樂ノ起顯 岩見重太郎一代記 前編 岩見重太郎一代記 後編 牛若鞍馬兵術励 [牛若丸と僧正坊] 牛若丸 : 矢矧の長者の許にて音