
ブックマーク / catb.org (2)

  • How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

    Translations: Brazilo-Portuguese Chinese (Traditional) Czech Dutch Estonian French Georgian German Greek Hindi Hungarian Indonesion Japanese Lithuanian Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish Ukrainian Uzbek If you want to copy, mirror, translate, or excerpt this document, please see my copying policy. Many project websites link to this document in their sections on how to get help. That's fine, it's th

    barlog 2024/03/14
  • The Jargon File

    Table of Contents Welcome to the Jargon FileI. Introduction1. Hacker Slang and Hacker Culture2. Of Slang, Jargon, and Techspeak3. Revision History4. Jargon ConstructionVerb DoublingSoundalike SlangThe -P ConventionOvergeneralizationSpoken inarticulationsAnthropomorphizationComparatives5. Hacker Writing Style6. Email Quotes and Inclusion Conventions7. Hacker Speech Style8. International Style9. Cra

    barlog 2018/02/21
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