This is a time of change for the internet and for Mozilla. From combatting a lethal virus and battling systemic racism to protecting individual privacy — one thing is clear: an open and accessible internet is essential to the fight. Mozilla exists so the internet can help the world collectively meet the range of challenges a moment like this presents. Firefox is a part of this. But we know we also
We are now spending more time online than ever. At Mozilla, we are working hard to build products to help you take control of your privacy and stay safe online. To help us better understand your needs and challenges, we reached out to you — our users and supporters of Firefox Private Network. We learned from you and our peers that many of you want to feel safer online without jumping through hoops
what rr does rr aspires to be your primary C/C++ debugging tool for Linux, replacing — well, enhancing — gdb. You record a failure once, then debug the recording, deterministically, as many times as you want. The same execution is replayed every time. rr also provides efficient reverse execution under gdb. Set breakpoints and data watchpoints and quickly reverse-execute to where they were hit. rr
This site uses cookies for analytics. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to use this. Learn more OK 1. Responsibility and scope Responsible in regards to EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") and other applicable data protection laws: ungleich glarus ag Bahnhofstrasse 1 8783 Linthal (CH) Tel.: +41 55 505 6266 E-Mail: This privacy statement applies to the web con
The state of design tools in Firefox A year ago, the Firefox DevTools team formed a subgroup to focus on new tools for working in web design, CSS, and HTML. Motivated by the success of the Grid Inspector, and with help from the Developer Outreach, Gecko Platform, and Accessibility teams, we launched the Variable Fonts Editor and the Shape Path Editor, added an Accessibility Inspector, and revamped
Several recently-published research articles have demonstrated a new class of timing attacks (Meltdown and Spectre) that work on modern CPUs. Our internal experiments confirm that it is possible to use similar techniques from Web content to read private information between different origins. The full extent of this class of attack is still under investigation and we are working with security res
Since Firefox 57, the --screenshot flag allows you to take screenshots of websites. The basic usage is as follows: /path/to/firefox -P my-profile -headless --screenshot This creates a full-height screenshot of called screenshot.png, in the active directory, with a viewport width of 800px. You can omit -headless when using --screen
2016 is shaping up to be a banner year for Virtual Reality. Many consumer VR products will finally be available and many top software companies are ramping up to support these new devices. The new medium has also driven demand for web-enabled support from browser vendors. Growth in WebVR has centered on incredible viewing experiences and the tools used to create online VR content. The Mozilla VR t
Learn about installers 64-bit installers Choose a 64-bit installer for computers with 64-bit processors, which allow them to allocate more RAM to individual programs — particularly important for games and other demanding applications. 32-bit installers Choose a 32-bit installer for computers with 32-bit processors — or for older or less powerful computers. If you aren’t sure whether to choose a 64
Firefox OSコミュニティ主催のWoTハンズオンを行います。 今回は、最も一般的であろう組み込みLinuxハードウェアとしてRaspberry PiをNode.jsで制御します。 Firefox OS端末には触れたことがあるが、WoTはピンと来ない、そんな方におすすめのハンズオンです。... 昨年末の日本初 Firefox OS スマートフォン Fx0の発売に続き、こっそりSTBの出荷開始があり、、5月にはPanasonic製 Firefox OS搭載TVが発売されます。 そんな中、今回の関東 Firefox OS勉強会を、Fx0の開発秘話からFirefox OSアプリの開発、Fx0を...
At Mozilla we know that developers are the cornerstone of the Web, that’s why we actively push standards and continue to build great tools to make it easier for you to create awesome Web content and apps. When building for the Web, developers tend to use a myriad of different tools which often don’t work well together. This means you end up switching between different tools, platforms and browsers
イベント当日 10/05 の 13:00 から、ステージプログラムを Ustream でインターネット配信することが決定しました。 Mozilla Open Web Day in Tokyoは、Mozilla に関係する東西さまざまなコミュニティや研究プロジェクトが集結し、その成果の展示・発表を行う収穫祭的なイベントです。 モバイルデバイスの新たなプラットフォームとして期待される Firefox OS に関するプロジェクトをはじめ、Web of Things や Personal Fabrication、Linked Open Data、Firefox の最新技術、ローカライズ、アドオンなど、Mozilla を取り巻く最新の技術や思想のバザールです。各グループの展示やオープンステージでの発表、プロジェクト同士の交流を介し、ウェブや Open の可能性について考える一日、それが Mozill