Spring BootによるAPIバックエンド構築実践ガイド 第2版 何千人もの開発者が、InfoQのミニブック「Practical Guide to Building an API Back End with Spring Boot」から、Spring Bootを使ったREST API構築の基礎を学んだ。この本では、出版時に新しくリリースされたバージョンである Spring Boot 2 を使用している。しかし、Spring Boot3が最近リリースされ、重要な変...
One of the hardest things to do in technology is disrupt yourself. But we’re trying our darndest, and have some cool news to introduce today. When I took on the responsibility of CEO of Automattic January of last year, we faced two huge problems: our growth was constrained by lack of capital, and the technological foundations of the past decade weren’t strong enough for the demands of next one. Th
Spike Brehm has a habit of popularizing terms in software development. You may have heard of “Isomorphic JavaScript” before; that’s a term he popularized through his work on the Rendr library (though he humbly gave credit to Charlie Robbins for coining the term). In a recent conversation I had with Spike, he made me aware of the concept of a “greenfield app.” Spike as rendered by an Airbnb intern.