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Today I am writing to announce three important changes to the SproutCore project to better accomodate the community who are using it. Change 1: SproutCore 2.0 Is Now Amber SproutCore 2.0 started out as a rebuild of SproutCore around a more modular and modern design. Since then, the project has evolved in a different direction that means it will never be a complete replacement for SproutCore 1.x. T
A little over a year ago, I got my first serious glimpse at SproutCore, the JavaScript framework Apple used to build MobileMe (now iCloud). At the time, I had worked extensively with jQuery and Rails on client-side projects, and I had never found the arguments for the "solutions for big apps" very compelling. At the time, most of the arguments (at least within the jQuery community) focused on brin
The official SproutCore blog.Three weeks ago, we released the second beta of SproutCore 2.0. We got a ton of great feedback, and today we’re happy to announce the release of SproutCore 2.0 beta 3, which incorporates solutions to the highest priority feedback we got. As always, we also fixed a number of bugs. If you find a bug, please report it right away on our GitHub Issues tracker. Because of yo
The official SproutCore blog.A month ago, we released the first beta of SproutCore 2.0. Today, we’re happy to announce the release of the second beta. This version eliminates a number of bugs and significantly improves usability issues, as well as fixing compatibility with Internet Explorer 6+ and Opera. We’d like to give a special shout out to Erik Bryn for his heroic efforts to fix a number of i
One of the goals of SproutCore 2.0 is to make it trivial to integrate the tools you're already using together with SproutCore. One way that we do that is to make it possible to drop a SproutCore app into a small part of your existing page. Greg Moeck did a great job demonstrating this functionality on the SproutCore Blog a couple of weeks ago, and I'd definitely recommend checking it out if you're
The official SproutCore blog.Since 2007, SproutCore has led the way in building web applications that compete with the sophistication of native apps. During that time, we have pioneered many advanced techniques that are now commonly used. SproutCore 1.0 was designed to build apps with native-style interaction. That meant providing a rich set of controls, such as scroll bars and buttons, that can g
At Kisko Labs we’re good at picking great tools. We’ve been using Rails ever since we started in 2007 and haven’t looked back. We hope to keep on using it for many years to come. However, we need more than just Rails. We need a powerful tool for frontend development that fits our projects. That is why we are extremely happy with the announcement of SproutCore 2.0. There is no way we could have use
SproutCore is an open-source framework for building blazingly fast, innovative user experiences on the web. Install Sproutcore View on GitHub New Tutorial to Help You Get Up and Running! You've heard all about SproutCore and now it's time to see for yourself. It's easier than ever to get started with our new tutorial. In it you'll learn: How to install SproutCore on your machine How to build your
SproutCore: JavaScript HTML5 Application Framework - Create fast, native-style applications in any modern web browser without plugins. SproutCoreの最初のメジャーリリースバージョンとなるSproutCore 1.0が公開された。SproutCore 1.0.1046が正式に1.0と位置づけられた。登場から18ヶ月、当初の予定からだいぶ遅れてのバージョン1.0のリリースとなったが、それに見合うだけの高速性を実現したようだ。 SproutCoreはJavaScriptで開発されたRIA Webアプリケーション開発向けフレームワーク。Cocoaに触発されて開発されたフレームワークで、少量のソースコードで価値の高いアプリケーションを開発できるように工夫され