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Javascriptとwebworkerに関するbraitomのブックマーク (1)

  • When should you be using Web Workers? — surma.dev

    You should always use Web Workers. And in our current landscape of frameworks it’s virtually impossible. Did I get your attention with that? Good. Of course, as with any topic, there is nuance and I will lay that all out. But I have opinions, and they are important. Buckle up. The Performance Gap is widening Note: I hate the “emerging markets” terminology, but to makes this blog post intuitive to

    When should you be using Web Workers? — surma.dev
    braitom 2019/06/16
    ローエンドの端末の市場が大きくなってきて端末ごとのパフォーマンスギャップが大きくなってきているので、メインスレッドを止めないようにWeb Workerを使った方法を考えていかないとねという話。
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