The team at CloudFlare is excited to announce the release of Universal SSL™. Beginning today, we will support SSL connections to every CloudFlare customer, including the 2 million sites that have signed up for the free version of our service. This morning we began rolling out the Universal SSL across all our current customers. We expect this process to be complete for all current customers before
1. はじめに、 Googleがハマったシリーズ第3弾。今度は Chrome の脆弱性がテーマです。 先日(8月12日頃)突然Google ChromeでSPDYの機能が一旦停止されました。CloudFareの人が気づいてspdy-devへのMLの問い合わせし、すぐGoogleのaglさんからの返事で計画的で一時的なものであることがわかりました。 twitterやfacebookもSPDYが全て使えなくなり非常に驚いたのですが、直後に Chrome の Stable/Beta/Dev チャンネルがアップデートされ、ほどなくして問題なくSPDYが使えるようになりました。 この理由は公式には明らかにされていませんが、Chromeのリリースアナウンスにヒントがありました。そこには、 High CVE-2014-3166: Information disclosure in SPDY. Credi
Google Now Factoring HTTPS Support Into Ranking; CloudFlare On Track to Make it Free and Easy08/06/2014 As of today, there are only about 2 million websites that support HTTPS. That's a shamefully low number. Two things are about to happen that we at CloudFlare are hopeful will begin to change that and make everyone love locks (at least on the web!). CC BY 2.0 by Gregg Tavares Google Ranks Crypto
Yesterday I changed the SSL Labs rating criteria to stop penalizing sites that do not implement server-side mitigations for the BEAST attack. That means that we now consider this attack sufficiently mitigated client-side, but, there are still some things you should now. What is BEAST? TLS 1.0 and earlier protocols suffer from a serious flaw: the Initialization Vector (IV) blocks that are used to m