
2012年8月27日のブックマーク (3件)

  • China: Broken Dreams

    Despite the country’s rapid economic growth, many young Chinese are growing disillusioned as they struggle to find jobs. Read more Many young Chinese are losing faith in China’s economic miracle. Although the nation’s economy has expanded to more than $7 trillion and is poised to overtake the US in the next decade as the world’s largest, fewer Chinese feel they are sharing in the prosperity. A sen

    China: Broken Dreams
    ced 2012/08/27
    Many young Chinese are losing faith in China's economic miracle. Although the nation's economy has expanded to more than $7 trillion and is poised to overtake the US in the next decade as the world's largest, fewer Chinese feel they are sharing in the prosperity. A sense of disillusionment is spread
  • Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

    ced 2012/08/27
    Koh, who presided over the four-week trial, scheduled a hearing next month to consider Apple’s request to make permanent a ban on U.S. sales of Samsung devices including its Galaxy Tab 10.1 computer, as well as to extend the ban to other Samsung products. Jurors in federal court in San Jose, Calif
  • Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

    ced 2012/08/27
    “Google is demanding distinguishable design vis-à-vis the iPad,” according to the e-mail. “Consider design distinguishability for the items demanded by Google while maintaining the current design, and in regards to each carrier’s demands.” Kim testified that he didn’t recall any such di