The following is a whirlwind tour of what must be done to create a NAPI-compliant network driver. For each interrupt vector, the driver must allocate an instance of struct napi_struct. This does not require calling any special function, and the structure is typically embedded in the driver's private structure. Each napi_struct must be initialised and registered before the net device itself, using
本記事の公開後の2016年7月にはてなにおけるチューニング事例を紹介した。 はてなにおけるLinuxネットワークスタックパフォーマンス改善 / Linux network performance improvement at hatena - Speaker Deck HAProxy や nginx などのソフトウェアロードバランサやリバースプロキシ、memcached などの KVS のような高パケットレートになりやすいネットワークアプリケーションにおいて、単一の CPU コアに負荷が偏り、マルチコアスケールしないことがあります。 今回は、このようなネットワークアプリケーションにおいて CPU 負荷がマルチコアスケールしない理由と、マルチコアスケールさせるための Linux カーネルのネットワークスタックのチューニング手法として RFS (Receive Flow Steering) を
By Mohan Lal Jangir Introduction This article has been written for kernel newcomers interested in learning about network device drivers. It assumes that reader has a significant exposure to C and the Linux environment. This article is based on a network driver for the RealTek 8139 network card. I chose the RealTek chip for two reasons: First, RealTek provides technical specifications for its chips
Switching in software on Linux is one of the important parts when using virtualization technologies like KVM or LXC. Typical hosts do not provide one or more physical adapters for each NIC of a virtual machine in KVM or per container when using LXC. Something else must take the part to interconnect the virtual network interfaces. The software switching classical tool is the linuxbridge, which is a
Introduction In the professional networking world it is quite common to use Virtual Routing and Forwarding VRFs for a long time. Cisco, Alcatel-Lucent, Juniper and others are supporting this technology. In the L2 switching world, the concept of VLANs has been used since the 90’s of the last century. One physical switch supports more than one broadcast domain. Most switches are supporting up to 4k
Using Open vSwitch without kernel support ========================================= Open vSwitch can operate, at a cost in performance, entirely in userspace, without assistance from a kernel module. This file explains how to install Open vSwitch in such a mode. The userspace-only mode of Open vSwitch is considered experimental. It has not been thoroughly tested. This version of Open vSwitch shoul
Foreword: please note that the code available here is only for demonstration purposes. If you want to be serious, you'll have to make it more robust and integrate it with other code. Also, the description is by no means a definitive reference on the subject, but rather the result of my experimentation. Please report any bug or error you find in the code or otherwise in this article. Thanks. Link t
幅広いアーキテクチャに対応しているのが特徴のひとつであるNetBSD、当然(?)のことながらARMアーキテクチャを採用したシングルボードコンピュータのRaspberry Piでも動作します。 昨年のNetBSD Advent Calendar 2014で、@ebijunさんによるRaspberry PiへのNetBSDインストール手順についての記事がありました。 最近はあまり聞かなくなってしまいましたが、NetBSD等のいわゆるPC-UNIX系OSを用いてネットワークルータを構築する、というPCの活用方法もあります。今回はNetBSDが動作するRaspberry PiをPCルータにしてみる手順を解説してみたいと思います。 (そもそもRaspberry PiはPCなの?という疑問はさておき……) ご注意 現時点(2015/12/2)でのNetBSD最新版はNetBSD-7.0です。今回解説す
Dojo-Labs announced a Linux-based “Dojo” home security gateway that notifies users of security threats via a mobile app and a glowing orb. An Israeli startup called Dojo-Labs has launched $99 presales on its Dojo security device, with shipments due March 8. After the first year, yearly subscriptions cost an additional $99 per year. CEO Yossi Atias has confirmed to LinuxGizmos that the device runs
15. DBサーバ設定例 (CentOS7) $ sudo su # yum install -y quagga iptables-services net-tools traceroute tcpdump # echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1" > /etc/sysctl.conf # cp -p /etc/quagga/zebra.conf /etc/quagga/ospf6d.conf # setsebool -P zebra_write_config 1 # systemctl mask firewalld ; systemctl disable ip6tables # systemctl enable ospf6d ; systemctl start ospf6d # modprobe l2tp_eth # ip l2tp add tu
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