2016年3月9日のブックマーク (1件)

  • Marco Rubio Never Had A Base

    This is an archived site and is no longer being updated. New 538 articles can be found at www.abcnews.com/538. Except in the improbable event that he comes back to win the Republican nomination, Marco Rubio is likely to become a political idiom. As Mike Huckabee is synonymous with a candidate who wins Iowa on the basis of evangelical support but can’t expand beyond that, or Fred Thompson is a stan

    Marco Rubio Never Had A Base
    chikuwa34 2016/03/09
    1.議員としての成果に乏しくメディア露出も限定的で基盤を形成できていない 2.consensus candidateとしての八方美人ができていない 3.支持層である「リベラル地域の保守」を動員できず潜在的な支持層はCruz,Kasichに取られている