昨年くらいからウェブデザインの傾向としてフッタを充実させたウェブサイトが増えてきました。 ユーザーの印象に残り、より利便性の高いフッタを設置する際にヒントとなるアイデアをDesign Shackから紹介します。 10 Techniques for a Fantastic Footer 以下は、そのポイントを意訳したものです。 はじめに 1. プライマリ ナビゲーション 2. 「トップに戻る」ボタン 3. 美しいコントラスト 4. インパクトのあるイラスト 5. 充実したコンテンツ 6. インフォメーション 7. メディア ハブ 8. 新鮮なコンテンツ 9. インフォグラフィックス 10. ビジュアル的なアクセント はじめに 魅力的なフッタは、サイトのユーザーに永続的でポジティブな印象を与えることができます。 フッタのデザインと機能性の両方にフォーカスをあてることで、サイトのフッタを魅力的に
Web design has roots in numerous other artistic fields, one of which that blogging not only honors, but often mimics in design and use alike is scrapbooking. Just as scrapbooks capture moments with more artistic accompaniment than photos, collaging various elements together to present a story; blogs capture moments in digital format, usually using images and other elements with the text to complet
Logo is the graphic mark or let’s say emblem of a company,service or an organization.It can be done creatively according to the type of business to promote or to create huge profits but most importantly it is the face of any company.ın other words,a creative logo design provide ownership and recognition.Your customers can easily recognize if you have an attractive logo design. In today’s post we h
With the Euro 2012 tournament in full swing, the quarter finals being battled as we speak, now is a great time to take a look at some creative uses of soccer balls in logo design. The simplicity of a soccer ball lends itself well to some bold logos, and allows the clever designer lots of room for creativity. Here are some of our favorites, starting with the official UEFA Euro 2012 logo. UEFA Euro
Gone are the days when users used simple websites that accomplished more. Now, the goal is to make the user use the site by increasing interaction and keeping them engaged. Your website is an asset to your organization if the user keeps coming back for more interaction with your website in the future. This blog looks at such websites that are interactive and have out-of-the-box creativity. 1. Cycl