AmqpEndpoints, Arn, ConfigurationId, ConfigurationRevision, IpAddresses, MqttEndpoints, OpenWireEndpoints, StompEndpoints, WssEndpoints
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Amazon API Gatewayの新機能「HTTP API」 re:Invent 2019期間中、Amazon API Gatewayの新機能「HTTP API」が発表されました。現在プレビューとして、US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), EU (Frankfurt), EU (Ireland)で提供されています。 HTTP APIはREST APIの上位互換というわけではなくAPI Gatewayのコアな機能に特化して低コストで利用したい場合に適した機能という位置付けになっています。つまりREST APIと比較するとできないことがいくつかあります。 本記事では以下のドキュ
The notable products, experiments, and redesigns that made our year test The mantra “focus on the user and all else will follow,” is always top of mind here at Google, guiding us in principle and practice. So while it’s no surprise to see that ethos in everything we do, when surveying 2019’s design projects, we really saw it come to life. Our roundup features work that puts you at the center, from
Y Combinator CEO and Partner Michael Seibel [] shares a process for building product as a small startup. Topics 00:00 [] – Have a process to get product out the door 1:02 [] – Decide on a release schedule 1:15 [] – Put someone in charge of product 1:34 [https://youtu.
The superpowered CMS for developersKeystone helps you build faster and scale further than any other CMS or App Framework. Describe your schema, and you get a powerful GraphQL API & beautiful Management UI for content and data. No boilerplate or bootstrapping – only elegant APIs to help you ship the code that matters, without sacrificing the flexibility or power of a bespoke back-end.