PackagingCon 2023 was an amazing hybrid and in-person (first time) gathering, October 26-28th, in Berlin, one of the most open source friendly cities of the world. PackagingCon’s mission is to bring different ecosystems together: from Python’s pip to Rust’s cargo to Julia’s Pkg, from Debian apt over Nix to conda and mamba, and from vcpkg to Spack. We highlight many different approaches to package
August 3, 2021 This article was contributed by Ayooluwa Isaiah Neovim 0.5, the fifth major version of the Neovim editor, which descends from the venerable vi editor by way of Vim, was released on July 2. This release is the culmination of almost two years of work, and it comes with some major features that aim to modernize the editing experience significantly. Highlights include native support for
In a previous post, I tried to provide a general overview of the work required to implement a full-featured GUI toolkit. Spoiler: there’s quite a bit of it. One of the major strengths of Rust is how easy it is to build and share components, using cargo and In this post, I would like to try and enumerate several of the subprojects involved in building a desktop GUI framework: these proje