Forsale Lander
Markdown と reStructuredText はどちらもマークアップ言語で、どのテキストエディタを使っても簡単に入力できるように設計されたプレーンテキスト形式構文です。どちらにもマークアップされたテキストをHTMLやPDFなどの出版形式に変換できるツールが多数あります。 これらのマークアップ言語は多くのドキュメンテーションシステムの基礎となるため、昨今のソフトウェア開発者はマークアップ言語をよく知っておく必要があります。この記事ではプログラマ視点でMarkdownとreStructuredTextのトレードオフを分析します。 Markdownが輝きを放つ場所 テキスト入力による豊富な書式設定で複雑なドキュメント構造を記述することができるマークアップ言語は長く輝かしい歴史を持っており、その歴史は少なくとも1970年代初めの troff とTeXまで遡ることができます。 これらの形式
Rust and Rest written on Sunday, July 10, 2016 A few months back I decided to write a command line client for Sentry because manually invoking the Sentry API for some common tasks (such as dsym or sourcemap management is just no fun). Given the choice of languages available I went with Rust. The reason for this is that I want people to be able to download a single executable that links everything
This document provides an overview of PHP, including what PHP is, how PHP scripts work, embedding PHP in web pages, variables, operators, control structures, arrays, functions, and forms. Some key points covered include: - PHP is a server-side scripting language commonly used for web development. PHP code is embedded within HTML and executed on the server to produce dynamic web page content. - PHP
Sphinx makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation. Here are some of Sphinx’s major features: Output formats: HTML (including Windows HTML Help), LaTeX (for printable PDF versions), ePub, Texinfo, manual pages, plain text Extensive cross-references: semantic markup and automatic links for functions, classes, citations, glossary terms and similar pieces of information Hierarchic
Eve. The Simple Way to REST¶ Version 2.1.0. Eve is an open source Python REST API framework designed for human beings. It allows to effortlessly build and deploy highly customizable, fully featured RESTful Web Services. Eve is powered by Flask and Cerberus and it offers native support for MongoDB data stores. Support for SQL, Elasticsearch and Neo4js backends is provided by community extensions. T
Flask-RESTful¶ Flask-RESTful is an extension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs. It is a lightweight abstraction that works with your existing ORM/libraries. Flask-RESTful encourages best practices with minimal setup. If you are familiar with Flask, Flask-RESTful should be easy to pick up. User’s Guide¶ This part of the documentation will show you how to get started in usin
No need to manually define any url routing rules, the rules are defined by your resource struct names and method names. No more inconsistencies between your url path and your method name. Generate all the handled url paths seperated by "\n", so it can be used for reference or detect api changes. Unobtrusive, JAS router is just a http.Handler, you can make it work with other http.Handlers as well a
Eve. The Simple Way to REST¶ Version 2.1.0. Eve is an open source Python REST API framework designed for human beings. It allows to effortlessly build and deploy highly customizable, fully featured RESTful Web Services. Eve is powered by Flask and Cerberus and it offers native support for MongoDB data stores. Support for SQL, Elasticsearch and Neo4js backends is provided by community extensions. T
Welcome to the REST CookBook REST is hot! And REST is finally rediscovered by API programmers all over the world. But REST isn't always as easy as it seems on first look. Dealing with HATEOAS, Code on demand and uniform interfaces can be really tricky and many people will fall back to not-so-restful approaches when things are starting to become more difficult. But it doesn't need to be. Once you g
reStructuredText は、文書を読みやすくしてくれるライトウェイトなマークアップ言語だ。見た目に美しいHTML、PDF、XML、さらにはS5の各ドキュメントを、プレーンテキストファイルから生成することができる。 reStructuredTextは、プレーンテキストをより好ましいフォーマットの文書に変換するためのオープンソースのテキスト処理システム、 Docutils の一部である。DocutilsはPythonで書かれており、大半のLinuxディストリビューションにはパッケージが用意されている。LinuxおよびMicrosoft Windows環境ではソースからのインストールも可能だ。 reStructuredTextは、PythonのDocStringをはじめとする、ドキュメンテーションの領域で使われるマークアップ構文として登場した。目指したのはシンプルでわかりやすく、それで