Misreading Chat は会社員プログラマの森田と向井がコンピュータサイエンス周辺の論文を雑に読んで感心する Podcast です。 購読には RSS, iTunes, Pocket Casts, Google などをご利用ください。ご意見ご感想は 投書箱や Reddit にどうぞ。
The Kubernetes community today announced the release of Kubernetes 1.10, just a few weeks since it graduated from CNCF incubation. As a founding member of the CNCF and the primary authors of Kubernetes, Google continues to be the largest contributor to the project in this release, as well as reviewer of contributions and mentor to community members. At Google we believe growing a vibrant community
Distributed tracing, debugging, and profiling for your performance-sensitive applications Like all developers that care about their users, you’re probably obsessed with how your applications perform and how you can make them faster and more reliable. Monitoring and logging software like Stackdriver Monitoring and Logging provide a first line of defense, alerting you to potential infrastructure or
Read it now on the O’Reilly learning platform with a 10-day free trial. O’Reilly members get unlimited access to books, live events, courses curated by job role, and more from O’Reilly and nearly 200 top publishers. Organizations big and small have started to realize just how crucial system and application reliability is to their business. Theyâ??ve also learned just how difficult it is to maintai