引用:https://boards.4chan.org/int/thread/30991644/ スレッド「スターバックスでMacbook広げてFacebook見てる奴らについて」より。 Ads by Google
Reviving an old computer is like restoring a classic car: there’s a thrill from bringing the ancient into the modern world. So it was with my first “real” computer, my Mac Plus, when I decided to bring it forward three decades and introduce it to the modern web. It’s a lowly machine, my Mac. The specs pale in comparison to even my Kindle: 8 MHz CPU, 4 MB RAM, 50 MB hard drive, and 512 x 384 512 x
Typical Mac user is a freckly, glasses-wearing gal Statistics and surveys meld together to form an unscientific composite of data showing what the typical Mac user looks like. Spoiler alert: Bangs aren't popular. Freelance writer Amanda C. Kooser covers gadgets and tech news with a twist for CNET. When not wallowing in weird gear and iPad apps for cats, she can be found tinkering with her 1956 DeS
典型的な「Mac」ユーザーと聞くと、読者は、シリコンバレーの若いやり手で、はやりのメガネをかけ、口数が少なくスターバックスではカフェインを控えたり、スチームソイミルクを注文したりするような人物を思い浮かべるかもしれない。アプリメーカーのBlueStacksが作成した非科学的な合成写真によると、それはまったく的外れだという。 BlueStacksは、Nielsenと110万件のFacebookファンのデータをまとめ、典型的な「Mac」愛好家がどのような風貌かを割り出した。その結果、「Ms. Mac 2012」は、Tシャツを着たそばかすのある長い黒髪の女性ということになった。 また、Ms. Macは北米出身で未成年、Macには「OS X Lion」をインストールしている。ジーンズにスニーカーできめているが、分析画像にはギークのフード付きパーカーは見受けられない。 「ぎこちなく着飾っているが、平
Many of the internet dwellers and gadget geeks are familiar with the Panera Bread iMac man. Gizmodo made him a kind of an internet celebrity. And it was for a reason. The 70 years old guy was sitting almost every evening in the café with his iMac (yes, not a MacBook Pro, not a MacBook Air but the whole 21,5″ iMac in all its 10 kilos glory). Furthermore, why did he needed his iMac? To play World of
Questo Mac utente farebbe di tutto pur di esercitare il suo diritto a sfruttare la Wi-Fi gratuita di Starbucks. Compreso portarsi dietro il suo iMac con tanto di scatola al seguito. Se ha un’espressione desolata è perché probabilmente ha appena realizzato che a breve dovrà di nuovo scarrozzarsi il suo “portabile” in bicicletta fino a casa, dall’altra parte della città.
24" imac guy is back at Starbucks. How does he carry that thing? Done
There are many great features available to you once you register at Neowin, including: Richer content, access to many features that are disabled for guests like commenting on the front page Access to a great community, with a massive database of experience on hard & software issues, gaming and recreational activities, and more Access to the Neowin IRC - you could make a friend from across the worl
Let’s face it: More often than not, the Apple(s aapl) logo is everywhere at Starbucks(s sbux). You see it on iPhones, iPads, iPods and MacBooks. Heck, occasionally you see it on a “portable” iMac! But the ol’ Microsoft Windows(s msft) branding appears from time to time, begging the question: How does one blend in with the Apple crowd with such a device? Here’s the simple answer from Steve Paine, p
Behold, the desktop at the coffee shop. This guy has brought his giant iMac to Starbucks. This guy is working on his giant iMac, at Starbucks, as if it's the most normal thing in the world. This guy don't care. Whether he's a hero or a menace -- or just a savvy consumer who appreciates the value of free wifi -- he is not alone. Lugging desktops to your local coffee establishment is, it turns out,