ブックマーク / blog.jquerymobile.com (1)

  • Announcing jQuery Mobile 1.0 | jQuery Mobile

    That’s right, version 1.0 is out! After more than a year of refinements, we now have a rock solid release. When we first launched this site back in the summer of 2010, we had a few concept sketches and some very ambitions goals: to create an elegant HTML5-based user interface library for the jQuery community designed to work on all popular mobile platforms. We are built on the strengths of jQuery

    economixmeister 2011/11/18
    いよいよjQuery Mobile 1.0正式版がリリースされた。画面フォームから入力を行い、結果を表示するようなアプリなら、JavaScriptのコーディングせずHTMLのタグの記述だけ作成可能。また、複数のモバイルデバイスやOSで利用可能。
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